Thursday, April 2, 2020

Carlo Dancing Shoes

We have a new addition to the site, folks. A rare brand called Carlo Dancing shoes. The inside looks to probably say a first name before Carlo, but it is illegible. I know nothing else about them. Maybe we'll stumble across another pair with more information.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Vintage Pointe Shoe Size Chart

So, as I was sitting at my desk, I realized that the fitting information for many of these old shoes are lost. I am certainly not advocating using old pointe shoes for anything other than collectors items. To be beautiful representations of history, as it were.

But, save from a few inserts, the fitting information of these historic shoes are lost. So, I compiled the information I had on hand for all the styles I had reference for. If anyone has the sizing information for any of the other brands, I will gladly add them to the chart.

But, for now-- Enjoy!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Zeebar Pointe Shoes

So, doing my usual perusal of various auction sites, I stumbled across a company I had never heard of. Zeebar. From google-fu, I was able to discover that they were around in the US in the 1960's but that is pretty much it.

Here's the new page for the company. Any other information would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Vintage Pointe Shoes, Antique Pointe Shoes, and Discontinued Pointe Shoes-- Oh My!

Well, I have gone through my back notes as well as scoured the internet for any antique, vintage, or discontinued brands of pointe shoes that I can remotely find. Please let me know if you know of any other brands or brands I might have missed. It's my goal to be the kind of one-stop place on the internet to find information about all of these pointe shoes list to history.

I also would love to have any photos of vintage pointe shoes, antique pointe shoes, or discontinued brand or style pointe shoes that would might want to share with me.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome to Antique Pointe Shoes

Many moons ago, I was part of a site called Pointe Shoes 4 You. Then, I switched over to my own site, The Perfect Pointe. In recent years, it's come to my attention that a lot of the information on antique pointe shoes has been lost. So, I decided it was time to get out my blogging boots and create a new online depository for information that has seemingly been lost. Luckily, I kept copious notes. :)