
A shoe salesman by the name of Makoto Tsuchiya created the Chacott company in
1951.  Not long after World War II, there was a severe shortage of good pointe shoes in
Japan. A well known Japanese ballerina asked Tsuchiya to create a pair of pointe shoes
for her. After studying her European shoes, he decided to start his own pointe shoe

Chacott still makes many shoes today. These are the vintage information and photos we have.

 Veronese I - It existed. But, images have not been found or have not been identified as the Veronese I model.

Veronese II - Still made today. Above are vintage examples. It features a wingless box with a medium length vamp and a low profile.

Coppelia II - Medium-longer length vamp with a medium height profile. It had a somewhat-tapered box. Originally it was made in Spain. And had a specific style-- you see those above. Then Chacott ceased working with the factory in Spain and made the Coppelia II in Japan for a few short years.

Chacott Elvira - A squarer box with a medium length vamp and a medium profile. It was a Spanish made model.

Chacott Japanese -  Virutally nothing known about this shoes. But we have the photo.

Chacott Sylphide - Had a tapered box with a longer vamp and a medium height profile.

These below, we do not know the models.

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