La Mendola

There were ads in New York papers in the early 1930's. We know hoes were available in the late 1970's in their earliest incarnation. Their shoes were extremely sturdy

La Mendola was a company that made all different types of dance shoes. They were bought by Art Stone, creator of Dance Olympus and DanceAmerica. Apparently, La Mendola's management fell on hard times and this is when the company was purchased.

The following is info on the "new" La Mendola pointe:

One model is a suede tipped shoe with pleats.
Another is a lighter-weight, satin tipped shoe for students

There are no "stock" shoes to order. Each is ordered with customized features designed to meet the needs of the individual dancers.

It was confirmed in 2001 that they had ceased the production of pointe shoes. I am not sure if the company is still in business at all anymore.

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